The Project
The Village of Lake Orion is in the process of amending the 2002-2022 Master Plan to include an updated Strategic Action Plan for Implementation. The current Master Plan’s Implementation section is severely outdated and does not adequately identify priorities, timeframes, or responsible parties necessary to realize its recommendations. The Strategic Action Plan will be comprised of three (3) categories that act like a funnel to narrow down the recommendations:
- Goals – these are broad value statements that express the kind of community Lake Orion aspires to be; they communicate a vision for the future.
- Objectives – under each goal is a series of objectives that would help Lake Orion achieve its goals, these are relatively broad, but more focused than the goal statements.
- Action Items – under each objective is a series of action items that would help Lake Orion achieve its objectives; these are specific tasks that can be prioritized and accomplished within a given timeframe and may also include ongoing or annual tasks.
What is a Master Plan?
A master plan is a snapshot of a community as it exists today that takes inventory of its population characteristics, development patterns, natural features, transportation networks, and economic development efforts. Further, a master plan also aims to project future trends and changes. Finally, a master plan provides recommendations on how to move the community forward toward a shared vision. These recommendations are often organized into an action plan containing tables and lists for tracking progress annually or at least every five years.